This semester, I got to pick any topic I wanted to learn about for a project in one of my classes (Communication, Technology, and the Knowledge Building Enterprise), so I decided to learn as much as I could about Google Flutter. I’ve wanted to learn Flutter for a while, so this project gave me the opportunity to prioritize it as school work, allowing me to spend time on it now instead of after I finish my master’s program at the end of the summer. Isn’t that awesome?

Flutter is a programming language that Google created. It allows programmers to create mobile software applications that can be used on both iOS and Android devices using the same code! The reason that Flutter can work on multiple operating systems is that it doesn’t use any of the “native” workings of the device. Instead, it paints the app onto the screen, which means that you can control how everything looks and functions within your app!

Below, you can find all of my blog entries, videos, and updates about my learning adventure, find out more about Flutter and programming in general, and even download the first app I made without a tutorial!

I still have a ton to learn, so feel free to check back in a few months to see what else I build with Flutter! Also, I’ve learned that the learning options for new programming languages are not well-suited for beginners, so if you want to learn to program (especially in Flutter!), I’d suggest starting with the resources I compiled here:

Flutter Project Navigation

Project Images and Guides

Project Videos