As I’ve worked through my Flutter project, I’ve noticed that all of the learning materials and tutorials I’ve found have assumed an existing level of programming knowledge starting at the beginning of the course. This has made things harder for me, even though I’ve done some programming already, so someone with no programming experience at all will be hard-pressed learning Flutter as their first language, at least for right now.

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

Generally, the first people to learn a new software language are people who already know how to program. When they build tutorials, the first people they have in mind, of course, are other programmers. It can take a while before people start to create tutorials and courses with real beginners in mind, and this generally requires the language to have a certain amount of popularity first.

With that, I wanted to share some resources for brand new programmers. These should help you learn the basics so that if you want to learn Flutter, you’ll be able to make sense of the learning materials I’ve shared! Most of what I’m sharing is for Python because I’ve found it one of the easiest languages to learn as a beginner, and there are a TON of resources out there for brand new software developers, which makes it a great place to start (though I did include one JavaScript link).


How to Draw Pixel Art in Python with Turtle, from

A Starter Guide to Pygame, from Offers a ton of free exercises in HTML and CSS, but if you want to learn programming, I’d suggest looking at their JavaScript curriculum

FreeCodeCamp: Python Curriculum

Free Python Lessons on

CodeCademy: Python 3 (Note: This is a paid resource.)


5 Basic Concepts of Programming
by Double D
Python Tutorial for Absolute Beginners #1: What is a Variable?
by CS Dojo
Object-oriented Programming in 7 Minutes
by Programming with Mosh
Learn Programming in 10 Minutes – 4 Concepts to Read All Code
Easy Tech Tips
Resources for Brand New Programmers
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